The little girl soldier

The poster for the show

The poster for the show

Scene 1

Scene 2

Scene 3

“The little girl soldier” is a theater show that puts under the lens the thin veil that separates the reals that human life takes place on: childhood (the period when any emotion and trauma becomes a brick in the development of the later adult), maturity (the girl that was once a child gets to fulfill his dream) and old age (the moment of conclusions and most important of gifting to others, because the grandmother that has reached the end of the line becomes the moder, and guardian angel, for the young girl thats just starting her journey). So this show talks about a circle of life, about how our most valuable legacy can only be spiritual, old people having the superpower of planting their own seed in others. Any person that has ever asked the question “What and Who is sitting behind my actions?” needs to see this show.

In collaboration with the amazing director Miruna Hriscu I had the pleasure of working on 3 animations that were used as large scale projections for the show.